Quote Originally Posted by Silver_2000
Its almost a universal response on ANY forum on any subject.

Most forums have a strict "READ this BEFORE POSTING " thread.
The past posts are maintained for a reason so that folks can go look thru them and learn from them. The search tool works great. We have been around a while and have read most of the posts here already. We are not asking ou to go back and read 2 years of posts - BUT like MOST forums we ask that you spend some time lurking and reading and learning. Once you have read some then ask specific pointed questions and you will get LOTS of help.

Think of all of us members as the authors of a great book on Lightnings in Texas. Imagine for a second we are selling that book and have set up a book signing at a local book store. Some of the questions asked that have been mentioned here as a problem are JUST like a Person going up to the Author of the Book and asking basic questions that are answered in the Book. The author would after a while get tired of folks who clearly havent bought the book and are asking questions that would be answered if they had at least read the liner notes on the inside cover. The author in this example would MUCH rather answer specific questions that maybe werent covered in the book. Its not a great analogy but I tried....

Good advice, but in his defense, I"ve been trolling boards recently, and I needed advice on brakes, and got a whole BUNCH of layouts by people who profess to be helpful and knowledgable (not here, other boards). I needed it quickly, because of a track event with DFW SVTOA, and never got it.

So I see his point, but his response to it wasn't appropriate. I"m glad he reconsidered, tho.

Sometimes forum searches don't work, or don't work right (ever try to search anything on Ford Truck World? Doesn't happen). ANd sometimes you do'nt have the time to spend troling and searching and looking, especially whenthe above situations happen.

My brakes? I wasted two whole days trying to find solid info, I even gave in and called my service writer, who recommmended me one of the mechanics, who basically laid out again. I ended up rolling the dice on NAPA Ceramix. I hope they work.

Maybe a little patience from both sides is what's really called for. Remember, old-timers: YOU were once NEWBIES, and doing the same damn thing, so have some patience for the rest of us, who are just trying to learn.