View Full Version : Gas Milage Improvement?

08-28-2002, 11:02 PM
Well I figured with a curb weight of 3150, no super charger YET, six forward gears, and a window sticker that claims 16/28 it had to get better milage than the L... Well it does but not by much.
http://www.f150online.com/galleries/images/209-608-28907.jpg Why is it that all of my vehicles get horrible milage:D Guess it is the loose nut behind the wheel eh, I did get her up to 165 the other night and she still had pull but not ready for 200+ YET:banana:

08-29-2002, 08:29 AM
You should just buy a honda civic and start eating lots of rice. :)

08-29-2002, 11:22 AM
What does Honda claim 42mpg? Bet I can get it below 15:tu:

ken cryder
08-29-2002, 11:33 PM
the only thing i can't pass is a gas station LOL